Monday, June 25, 2012

A Storm

Wow there is so much stormy weather.  Waiting to see how much battery life I will get out of my MBP

Still figuring this out...

I'm a trial and error sort of person. So I'm still trying to figure out, if I have written anything.... where I published it and under what user name!  Would that be considered a ghost writer?! Love the challenge.

Very stormy day today. Both inside and out! So I will continue to experiment here .

Today's Questions:

Is there a file size limit on photos to be uploaded?
Is this per day? Per file?

What sort of control over the layout do I have while typing? Before and After?

Adding a random wedding picture of extended family. Lets see what this is going to look like

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Too Much, Too Much, Too Much of Everything

So I need to figure out what I have and where. Because I have too many email addresses and two different on line journal accounts - this one is with blogger... but I keep mixing things up which is a clear sign of the confusion inside my brain!

I am writing things down so I can sort out what is what!

Lets start with what I need to do today. Some erands, Pier I and Kohl's for starters and then the pet store to get catnip and furball treatment

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Getting Organized

I have more projects started than I have fingers and toes! I am pretty sure this is the third blog site that I've signed up on, because I either cannot recall the email address or password that I used on the last site!

So, just throwing this out there with the others & will see which I like best. Pretty sure I have a livejournal and wordpress account..... 3rd try is a charm?  We shall see.

Going to walk for Alzheimer's benefit now - will return to the computer, log in, password, user name organization later!

I am grateful for: the ability to walk and breath in the fresh air